Home Invasion Strategies | Home Invasion Training

Home Invasion Strategies

Take our training or host a Home Invasion training for your neighbors.  For hosting, you will receive a complimentary threat assessment of your home and save on your training.   

This training has a maximum of 10 students and lasts roughly 3 hours.  It is a reality-based training focusing on: 

  • Threat assessment of the home
  • Discussion of equipment for reasonable force vs. deadly force
  • Basics of firearms handling 
  • 5 situations in your home, how to prepare for the attack
  • How would you respond? 
  • 25 mini gun fights throughout the home. 

This training you cannot obtain on the range.  You will be put in real-life situations in your home where you use off-range law enforcement training tools.  

Understand the physiological and psychological effects of an attack at home. 
Be prepared!  Survive! 

Call / Email for information
*Additional travel fees may apply for home training
** We do not bring firearms or travel to Baltimore City for this class. (ask about organizing a training)

Happy Shooters

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Questions Before You Enroll?

We're happy to answer any questions you might have before or after you enroll. Just give us a call!
