Ladies Safe Zone | Maryland HQL Training – Fortresstraining – Fortress Training


Education | Empowerment | Engagement

Informative & empowering class that provides the chance to learn firearm skills in a safe environment and other less than lethal tools you can use to protect yourself.

A great day for Ladies only!

Have you ever been attacked and used pepper spray to defend yourself? You will this day! 

We will also explore with you other options for use of force besides the firearm.  

This is an interactive 3-4 hour training

See what you will learn below

​Cost of training is $150.00

Tuesday, May 10th @ 6:00PM  BWI Area

You Will Learn

  1. ​​Rules for safe gun handling
  2. An understanding of the different types of firearms 
  3. Ammunition along with care and storage of your ammo
  4. Proper handling of a firearm
  5. How to shoot a firearm and learn skills you can practice at home every day. 
  6. How to stay safe in today’s world
  7. Pepper Sprays, Pepper Guns and Tasers – which is best for you. 

We Supply Everything

Happy Shooters

Student testimonials

Questions Before You Enroll?

We're happy to answer any questions you might have before or after you enroll. Just give us a call!
