Pistol PRO – Best Tactical Pistols

Pistol Pro

PROficient | PROfessional

Maybe you do not have a carry permit, but you really want to learn to shoot a firearm like the professionals.  Maybe you just want to be a better shooter and increase your skills, safety and awareness in case you ever need to use this tool in or out of your home. 

Applying carry skills on a live range

5 to 6 hours of training
150-250 Rounds Course of Fire

Though this is open to anybody, we ask that you self-evaluate regarding basic operations.  Can you lock the slide back, load and change magazines, shoot with some confidence.  You don’t need to be a top gun, but if you are not sure this is the right training, call us we are happy to chat with you. 

This is a fun day on the range; you will learn more about your firearm than you have ever known.  

An Overview of Your Day


 Dry Training to understand how the gun actually works on a very proficient level.  
3-4 hours on the LIVE FIRE range.  

By completing this course and qualifying you can move on to Advanced Pistol even if your state has not issued you a permit to carry.  

** No firearm under a .380 cal is permitted for this training. 
** Prerequisites: No violent criminal history. You must be competent with a firearm.  This is not a beginner course.

Training is $300.00
April 20th – Cambridge

Happy Shooters

Student testimonials

Questions Before You Enroll?

We're happy to answer any questions you might have before or after you enroll. Just give us a call!
