How Long It Takes To Get an HQL in Maryland & Requirements

Students In HQL Training Class

Once you have successfully submitted your application online, it can take up to 30 days to receive approval, but responses are often received in as little as two weeks or even less. The wait times depend on whether or not there is a flood of new applications.  Understanding the requirements and the application process can … Read more

How To Get a Concealed Carry Permit in Maryland | 2024 Guide

MD Wear and Carry Student on the Range Qualifying

Obtaining a concealed carry permit in Maryland can seem like a complex, daunting process, but with the right guidance, it is totally manageable.  Whether you’re looking to enhance your personal protection or simply exercise your Second Amendment rights, this comprehensive guide will walk you through each step of the process. From understanding eligibility requirements to … Read more

How Much Is Gun Training In Maryland?

Gun Training In Maryland Costs

Few things are as important in life as proper firearm training. Learning how to point and shoot is only the tip of the iceberg—real, trusted gun training meets or exceeds Maryland’s minimum 16-hour training requirement, prepares you for the real world when carrying a firearm, establishes advanced-level techniques and concepts, and trains you for extraction … Read more

How to Renew Your Maryland HQL License

If you received notice from the Maryland State Police that you need to renew your HQL, there is NO CLASS for you to take. HQL Permits renew every 10 years. Just follow the steps below.  If you have any questions or need help, contact the Maryland State Police Licensing Division Even if we did your … Read more

Maryland HQL is still Required

12/06/23 – Maryland has appealed the 3-judge ruling that said the Handgun Qualification License (HQL) was unconstitutional.  This means until the full court of the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals hears the case and rules on it, you must obtain a HQL License to purchase a firearm in Maryland. The Firearm Safety Act of 2013 rendered … Read more

How Realtors can stay safe in Maryland

how to ​Working in real estate can be fun and lucrative, but also in some cases it can be risky. The sad reality of dealing with a lot of people is that you never know when you’re going to be in a situation that’s less than safe. That’s why, as an agent, you need to … Read more

Trump’s 2nd Amendment Views

So now we have a new president, what does it mean to you?  Let’s take a look at what president-elect Trump’s position is on the Second Amendment.   Here are highlights we have taken from his position as he ran for office. Here is he’s actual paper from his site.   Trump’s Positions: ​ The right of the … Read more

 Maryland HQL | MD HQL — What you need to do to get it done!

We are now almost one year into the new Maryland law requiring citizens to get your Maryland Handgun Qualification License, MD HQL.   You will find programs from $50.00 to $200.00 depending on the level of service you are looking for when it comes to getting your HQL.  ​ The trainers who are generally serious about helping … Read more

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